These were just SOME of the prizes from our last event! And we've got even more this time around!
The following is an up-to-date list of the prizes we are giving away! We'll be adding to this up until the event, so check back often to see what's new. We will be giving away more games than ever this time, and if you've seen our previous prize tables, you know that this is a bold claim.
Don't have tickets yet? If you like games, you definitely don't want to miss out!
Here's the list!
Art's Ideas / Jenga Giant (Platinum Sponsor)
Jenga Giant JS7 (x6)
Jenga Premium Hardwood Game (x8)
Jenga Ocean Game (x12)
Jenga Throw 'N Go Hardwood Game (x12)
Calliope Games (Platinum Sponsor)
Double Double Dominoes (x2)
Hive Mind (x2)
Menu Masters (x2)
Roll For It! (Deluxe Edition) (x2)
Roll For It! (Purple Edition) (x2)
Roll For It! (Red Edition) (x2)
Running With the Bulls (x2)
Thieves! (x2)
Tsuro (x2)
Tsuro of the Seas + Veterans of the Seas (x2)
Ugh! (x2)
Wordoku (x2)
Cheapass Games (Gold Sponsor)
Before I Kill You, Mister Spy
Brawl (Bennett, Chris Darwin, Hale, Morgan, Pearl)
Get Lucky (x10)
Give Me the Brain
Kill Doctor Lucky (Anniversary Edition)
Lord of the Fries
Stuff and Nonsense
Tak (x2)
Unexploded Cow (x2)
Czech Games Edition (Platinum Sponsor)
Adrenaline (x15)
Codenames - Pictures (x12)
Dungeon Lords (x2)
Dungeon Petz (x2)
Shipyard (x3)
Tash-Kalar (x3)
Through the Ages - A New Story of Civilization (x15)
Tzolk'in - The Mayan Calendar (x2)
Daily Magic Games (Gold Sponsor)
Go Nuts For Donuts (x2)
Quests of Valeria (x2)
Sunrise City (x2)
Valeria: Card Kingdoms (x6)
Villages of Valeria (x2, Deluxe Kickstarter Edition)
Fizzy Fairy Apothecary
Nerdy Gift Basket including d20 Bath Bombs and other wonderfully fragrant and aromatic stuff!
Lone Shark Games (Gold Sponsor)
Apocrypha Adventure Card Game: World Base Set (x4)
Maze of Games and Theseus Guide (x4)
R&R Games (Gold Sponsor)
Caffeine Rush (x12)
Face Chase (x6)
Flipping Flags (x12)
Get a Life (x12)
Slideways (x6)
Unnatural Selection (x12)
Secret Hitler (AKA Goat Wolf and Cabbage, Gold Sponsor)
Cards Against Humanity base game + several expansions (x5)
Secret Hitler (x5)
Slugfest Games
Battle for Greyport (x2)
The Red Dragon Inn 1 (x2)
The Red Dragon Inn 4 (x2)
The Red Dragon Inn 5: The character Trove
Top Shelf Fun
Red Meepillow
Orange Meepillow
Green Meepillow
Blue Meepillow
Purple Meepillow
USAOpoly (Gold Sponsor)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Gear Up and Rock Out! An Awesome Mix Card Game (x30)
HARRY POTTER HOGWARTS BATTLE A Cooperative Deck-Building Game
Nefarious: The Mad Scientist Game! and Nefarious Becoming a Monster Expansion
MUNCHKIN: Marvel Edition
MUNCHKIN: X-Men Edition
Star Trek Panic
Super Mario Level Up! Board Game
Telestrations 8 Player: The Original
Zagar Games
BetaBotz (x2)